An EV That (Almost) Fits In Your Pocket

An EV That (Almost) Fits In Your Pocket


There’s a lot of hype over electric cars these days. But electric cars are still cars. They still take up the same amount of space, they’re still expensive, they still take a lot of energy to run, they’re still deadly, and they still cause enormous traffic and waste countless human hours.

Before dockless scooters were a thing, before micromobility was even a word, Sanjay Dastoor pulled out primary components of an electric vehicle from his pocket, Steve Jobs style, showing the audience just how small and light an EV could be, and asked the world to think differently about electric vehicles.

Today, lightweight electric vehicles like e-scooters, e-bikes, and e-skateboards are much more common. Yet the mind-shift required to truly revolutionize progress in personal mobility is still in its infancy.

So this 2013 video is even more prescient and more relevant today than ever before.

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