electric cars

An EV That (Almost) Fits In Your Pocket

There’s a lot of hype over electric cars these days. But electric cars are still cars. They still take up the same amount of space, they’re still expensive, they still take a lot of energy to run, they’re still deadly, and they still cause enormous traffic and waste countless human hours.

Before dockless scooters were a thing, before micromobility was even a word, Sanjay Dastoor pulled out primary components of an electric vehicle from his pocket, Steve Jobs style…

How a simplistic life cycle analysis completely misrepresented scooter emissions and caused a media flurry of bad science

Are scooters green? Are their carbon emission claims valid?

A new paper by researchers at North Carolina State University was just published that aimed to answer this question.

The result was a flurry of (and clickbait-y) media articles proclaiming scooters to be not much better than automobiles in terms of carbon emissions.

Yet the actual findings of the study were much more modest than the grandiose claims made both by the study’s author’s and repeated by media outlets without much critical analysis.

How the Bird Cruiser might spark a thriving, car-killing industry

It may seem like a lifetime ago, but Bird made its debut only a year ago on the streets of Santa Monica.

By the summer of 2018 scooters were already the year’s, if not the decade’s, biggest blockbuster. Scooter adoption levels rivaled potentially any other technology in human history and resulting in much analysis in the disruptive potential of these vehicles.

But Bird didn’t manage this alone. Disruption usually doesn’t just happened by just one company.

What Cities Can Learn From The Giant Free Lunch That Is Dockless Bike/Scooter Sharing

Historically, the expansion of humanity’s horizons has often been paid for by the public. As Neil deGrass Tyson often points out, governments have frequently bankrolled endeavors whose costs were very high and whose risks were unknown such as such as long sea voyages or space exploration. These ventures mapped out the risks, learned by trial and error, innovated, and subsequently paved the way for commercial ventures.

In a curious turn of events VCs and entrepreneurs took on the risk themselves, pushing the boundaries of electric micromobility with the force of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Want To Solve Urban Mobility? Do The Complete Opposite Of What Elon Proposes – Part 1

Over the last decade, Elon Musk has been crying out his solution to urban mobility from the mountaintops. His vision is replacing our polluting, fossil fuel based cars with electrified cars and replacing (very) fallible human drivers with machine learning algorithms. At first glance, not terrible ideas.

Now having lived in Los Angeles for the past few years, he’s noticed another problem with our urban mobility: traffic. So he has another solution: tunnels. Lots of them.

His solutions are dead on. That is if you take his ideas and do the exact opposite!

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