Can Cargo Bikes Save Parents Caged Behind The Wheel?

Can Cargo Bikes Save Parents Caged Behind The Wheel?


“The message in the movie’s opening scenes is familiar: child-rearing is an exhausting enterprise, and if you’re not careful, you’ll spend 18 years behind the wheel, driving your kid to baby sing-along class and varsity soccer practice. Wake up when it’s over, and you’ll be a shell of your former self.” (Outside Magazine)

So when veteran filmmaker Liz Canning became a stay at home mom, she started feeling this loss of her personal freedom. But then she discovers the world of cargo-bike parents.

The film chronicles her journey after she herself buys a cargo bike, the story of other cargo-bike parents who don’t really see themselves as fringe “I’m not an athlete. I’m not superhuman,” and some of the “bikelash” that they can experience from other parents.

But overall, the film is inspirational and makes viewers wonder about the potential for the bicycle to become a fun and emancipatory force in the life of American parents.

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